
Our true colors

Color references:

    • RGB: all PDF documents, online materials, web applications, etc.
    • Pantone: solid colors for printed materials and stationery, where possible.
    • CMYK: 4-color process for external marketing, printed publications, etc.

To maintain consistency and brand recognition, these colors should be the lead colors in all applications. It’s essential that colors are reproduced as accurately as possible. Care must be taken in selecting the correct color reference for different applications.

Partners are asked to use the PressReader green as much as possible in co-branded communications. Sometimes it may be preferable to use knock-out variations of the PressReader logo in order to align with a brand partner.

In some circumstances, like when targeting a luxury audience, the gray color may be emphasized rather than the green.

Color is an essential part of the PressReader brand, and helps to set the tone with a particular audience. Here’s our corporate color palette.


RGB 43, 196, 140
CMYK 70, 0, 62, 0


HEX #112025
RGB 17, 32, 37
CMYK 83, 67, 62, 72


RGB 218, 220, 221
CMYK 13, 9, 9, 0

Mixing and matching

Various combinations of the PressReader color family can be mixed together to add interest.

PressReader color mix